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In her 2021 State of the Union speech (SOTEU), Ursula von der Leyen emphasised the importance of ensuring that future generations benefit from the principles of the European social market economy.

She stressed that Europe needs to embrace its youth, acknowledging that they are important stakeholders in shaping the future of the European Union. This is why she declared 2022 as the Year of the European Youth.

However, little progress has been made so far in meaningfully including the voices of young people in official policy and decision-making processes.

This statement describes GCE’s response to the new SOTEU delivered by von der Leyen on Tuesday, September 2023, calling out again for an end to “youth-washing” and demanding meaningful youth participation in formal policy processes.

GCE believes that an intergenerationally just future can only be envisioned and designed by young people actively participating in the political arena.


Image source: EP