We are currently living through the first human-made mass extinction event. We are losing species at a rate 10 000 times greater than at any other time in recorded human history, and one million species face extinction. There are numerous drivers: habitat loss, global warming, pollution, industrialisation, soil erosion – and all are human-caused.
It is vital that all living beings on our planet are safe, protected, and their intrinsic value recognised. Biodiversity protection is crucial as it supports human well-being, culture, society, and economy whilst providing us with nature-based solutions to tackle climate change. Europe, with the majority of habitats and species in poor or bad conservation status, is no exception to the issue. At the EU level, the new Biodiversity Strategy for 2030 and related upcoming legislation (e.g., Nature Restoration Plan, the Forest Strategy, and the revision of the EU Wildlife Action Plan) are building the momentum necessary for actual change.