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Too Little, Too Fossil – The EU budget & recovery plan at crossroads

By October 12, 2020February 6th, 2022Clean Mobility

The Problem in a Nutshell

The EU budget is TOO LITTLE The EU Recovery Plan is TOO FOSSIL
The size of the long-term EU budget until 2028 is TOO LITTLE to help fill the €470bn green investments gap. The NextGenerationEU Recovery Plan is TOO FOSSIL as it does not exclude investments in fossil fuels.

Generation Climate Europe demands

GCE calls on the EU Council to agree on to the calendar put forward by Parliament for the introduction of new EU Own Resources as a way to increase the EU budget without raising national contributions. 

The EU Parliament is proposing a realistic timetable for the introduction of new EU revenues through tax justice measures such as an EU Financial Transaction Tax capable of raising over €50bn every year, as well as revenues from EU climate action policies.

At least 10% of the EU budget should be dedicated to biodiversity protection.

GCE calls on the EU Parliament and Council to exclude fossil fuel investments from the Recovery Plan to ensure that the recovery does not lead to further dependency on fossil fuels in order to reduce our carbon emissions and respect the Paris Agreement.

By continuing to invest in fossil energy systems, we will be unable to break the dependency of our economies on oil, coal and gas, creating what is known as lock-in emissions.

Calls to Action

More information and actions of the campaign

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