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The 2030 Mobility Visions

By September 23, 2021February 6th, 2022Articles, Clean Mobility




If you have any questions please feel free to contact our Clean Mobility Coordinator, Nadine Mingers at

By Generation Climate Europe

Summary of the launch event (30 Mobility Visions for 2030)

Generation Climate Europe will launch its position paper, a statement summarising GCE’s positions on sustainable mobility and transport during a partner event of the EU Mobility Week, organized by the European Commission. An accessible summary of our mobility positions can be found here. The goal is to discuss the most important proposals for us, young European climate activists, with researchers and EU policy makers and use the “30 Mobility Visions for 2030” as 30 inspiring artistic youth contributions that make the proposals more accessible, concrete and visual.

Summary of the artists’ visions

The “30 Mobility Visions for 2030” invites young professional and amateur artists (18 to 30 years old) to depict their visions of a clean, sustainable, fair and healthy mobility in whichever form and shape they imagine (visual, poetic, musical, written). 30 pieces will be chosen, integrated in our position paper and exhibited at the launch event. The event might happen at an exhibition space in Brussels (Belgium) or online (depending on the context of the pandemic). To select pieces, which will be exhibited, we will collaborate with partner NGOs and GCE’s member organisations.


  • Dates
    • Deadline for artists: October 30th 2021, 18:00 CET
    • Exhibition and launch event: Nov 25st-29th 2021, time tbd.

You can submit your contribution in this form or send it via email to



If you have any questions please feel free to contact our Clean Mobility Coordinator, Nadine Mingers at
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