The science is clear: as young people, we are set to inherit an uninhabitable planet. The eco-social crisis has put our future at risk—defeating the objectives of intergenerational justice—and it is already impacting the lives of many around the world. This crisis is driven by the current capitalist economic system—our obsession with the endless pursuit of growth and profit is at odds with finite planetary boundaries and human well-being. We must put an end to it! Alongside hundreds of youth-led social movements around the world protesting against the endless exploitation and extraction that characterises the current system, we, as youth organisations, demand a post-growth and post-colonial society. In this manifesto, we call for a change in the current economic system and introduce specific and actionable policy proposals directed at EU policymakers, outlining how this change can be achieved.
Sign up here to push for the voice of youth in the post-growth debate, and help us advocate for an intergenerationally just post-growth Europe and the world beyond together!
Generation Climate Europe (GCE) is the largest coalition of youth-led networks on climate and environmental issues at the European level. GCE unites the largest youth-led networks in Europe bringing together 381 national organisations across 46 countries in Europe. We are guided by the voices of over 20 million young Europeans.
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Registration number: 0777.264.463
Rue des Deux Eglises 14-16
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