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Dear European Council, do not compromise our future.

Seriously. Don’t. 

Today, all over Europe, 34 youth climate organisations from 20 countries and 6 European networks have published a letter to their leaders in which they write: 

“Young people around the world already suffer from the effects of the climate crisis. Now is the time to make climate justice a reality. If protecting human rights is what the European Union stands for, it needs to abandon its business-as-usual path and build a system that would allow the planet and people to thrive. The climate crisis cannot be merely seen through the lens of an ecological collapse. It has to be seen from a holistic perspective – as a human rights crisis – and acted upon accordingly.” 

This week on December 10th-11th, the European Council will vote on the EU’s emission targets for 2030. 

The 2030 greenhouse gas emission reduction target is a crucial part of future European Union climate policy. It will determine if the European Union will reach its commitment to have net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.

Generation Climate Europe demands an absolute reduction target of -65% till 2030, compared to 1990. This is the minimum of GHG reduction to still be in line with our targets for the Paris Agreement. Nothing less is acceptable and anything below is playing with the lives of the young people in Europe, around the world and all the future generations!

Generation Climate Europe

Youth statement on the EU’s 2030 targets can be found here.

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