European Elections 2024

From the 6th to the 9th of June 2024, EU citizens vote for the European elections, electing the 720 members of the European Parliament for the next five years.

The votes are open!

Check which day to vote in your country.

Our work on the European elections

Get informed about the EU elections

We compiled a list of resources so young people can find out how to vote, who you can vote for, and more information about the EU elections.

About GEN C

Empowering Youth Voters on Climate is a project by Generation Climate Europe (GCE) to inform and empower first-time voters and all young people for the European elections, supported with funding by the European Parliament.

Advocacy for the EU elections

Generation Climate Europe advocates for a planet-friendly, youth-inclusive and future-proof Europe and has created a Coalition Manifesto for the EU elections, which it has presented to different political parties and candidates.

Resources on the EU elections

We have gathered a number of websites, toolkits and other resources to get informed and find information about the European elections. Take a look!

Watch our videos on how to get informed


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Une publication partagée par Gen C (@gen.c2024)

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Une publication partagée par Gen C (@gen.c2024)


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Une publication partagée par Gen C (@gen.c2024)

Social media

Stay up-to-date and get informed on the EU elections by following these social media accounts.

Gen C

Get informed about the EU elections and the link between climate, environment and the elections



Stay up-to-date about the EU elections and local actions for the elections


GEN C: Empowering Youth Voices for Climate

Gen C is a project for the European elections by Generation Climate Europe, supported by the European Parliament. Through our social media campaign and our empowerment programme we engage first-time voters and young people to get informed and take action for the EU elections.

Online campaign @gen.c2024

With the Gen C online campaign, we create informative content directed towards young people across the EU about the EU elections via Instagram and TikTok. While our main content is in English, we also create content in Italian, French, Spanish, German, Dutch and Polish.


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Une publication partagée par Gen C (@gen.c2024)


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Une publication partagée par Gen C (@gen.c2024)


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Une publication partagée par Gen C (@gen.c2024)

Empowerment programme ‘From Action to Elections: Sparking Youth Mobilisation in Europe’

This online empowerment programme provides the selected participants with knowledge of the EU and the European Parliament elections, in particular regarding climate and environmental issues, and equips them with skills to organise their own community engagement activities at the national and/or local scale. These activities are organised in person or online, for example in their universities, schools, sport clubs or grassroots organisations. The activities focus on three target countries: Belgium, Poland and France.

The programme is composed of five online sessions:

  • Session 1: Welcome to the programme and introduction to the EU
  • Session 2: Predictions for European Parliament elections 2024, the role of MEPs and party manifestos
  • Session 3: Youth participation and local civic engagement: tools and methods to engage youth in EU elections
  • Session 4 : Social media and campaigning: mobilising youth online
  • Session 5: Reflection on the outcomes of the European Parliament elections and the way ahead

Rewatch our webinar: “How can I make a difference for the EU elections?”

In this webinar we share tips and tricks on how you can organise something for the EU elections, from talking to your friends, to a social media campaign, to an election party.

Advocacy for the EU elections

Generation Climate Europe advocates for a planet-friendly, youth-inclusive and future-proof Europe and has created a Coalition Manifesto for the EU elections, initiated an Open Letter for Future Generations and analysed the Manifestos of the European political parties.

Our Coalition Manifesto for the EU elections


This Manifesto is a joint effort of GCE and its Member Organisations. It formulates five overarching priorities and contains 24 concrete proposals to make Europe more planet-friendly, youth-inclusive and future-proof.

The five priorities are:

Youth engagement in the EU decision-making process

Climate and Citizenship Education

Social Justice in the green transition

Rethinking our Economic System

Intergenerational Justice

We call on the European political parties and candidates to consider the demands and concerns of young people in their positions on political issues for the upcoming elections. This includes incorporating youth perspectives in the negotiations for the next European Commission and ensuring young people’s voices are heard in the decision-making processes of the next term of the European Parliament and European Commission
Our Manifesto is a common, transformative vision that is backed by youth organisations representing the voices of over 20 million young Europeans: we deserve to be heard!

More Manifestos by youth organisations

Europe Needs Us

A School Student Manifesto towards the upcoming European Parliament Elections (OBESSU)


Agenda of Hope (JEF Europe)

Student Manifesto

24 proposals for the 2024 European Elections (ESU)

Open Letter for Future Generations

Who is going to be impacted the most by today’s choices? Future generations are not just inevitably excluded from shaping the decisions taken today, but their rights are constantly threatened by short-term oriented and unsustainable policies. 
For this reason, we have teamed up with different Civil Society Organizations to form the Future Generation Coalition and guarantee the next generations a healthy environment. Together, we delivered an open letter calling MEPs to undersign it and contribute to: 
  • Nominate a Future Generations Commissioner with a broad, horizontal portfolio and acting as first vice-president.
  • Develop an interinstitutional declaration on the rights of Future Generations.
  • Set up a Future Generations’ Impact Assessment within the Better Regulation Guidelines.
As we are currently facing several challenges, including climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution crisis, we believe that the needs and rights of future generations must be properly accounted for when shaping today’s decisions.

Manifesto Analysis: What do Europarties say about young people and the future?

As the European elections of 2024 approach, it is crucial to analyse the manifestos of the key political parties for understanding their priorities and proposed policies. These manifestos outline each party’s vision for the future of Europe and are instrumental in shaping the legislative agenda for the coming years.

Our Manifesto Analysis examines the manifestos of five major parties with whom GCE has interacted with, namely:

  • The European Green Party (EGP)
  • The Party of European Socialists (PES)
  • The Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe (ALDE)
  • The European People’s Party (EPP)
  • The Party of the European Left (PEL)

The Manifesto Analysis has been carried out using GCE’s Coalition Manifesto as a reference. Each party manifesto has been evaluated under five dimensions: Youth engagement, Climate Education, Social Justice, New Economy, and Future Generations.

Results coming soon!

Events and activities

Beyond the Ballot: Unpacking the EU elections for Climate and Intergenerational Justice


When: Friday 14 June 2024, 9h00-13h00 CEST
Where: In Brussels at the Info Hub (Esplanade Solidarność 1980, 1050 Brussels) and online via Zoom
What: Five days after the European elections, Generation Climate Europe organises a high-level panel to discuss the outcomes of the elections, and what it means for intergenerational and climate justice. 
After the high-level panel, we invite representatives of youth organisations for a youth roundtable to continue the reflection on the outcomes of the elections from the perspective of young people and youth organisations.

Discover local events

There are currently no local events planned (coming soon)

Discover more local events at

I want to do something!

Organise a local activity

Are you from Poland, Belgium or France and want to organise an activity in your community, organisation, school, with friends…? Send an email to to tell us your idea and we can support you!

Organise a social media action

Do you want to inform people in your region or country (in the EU) about the EU elections via a social media campaign or online activity? Send an email to to tell us your idea and we can support you!

Get our stickers for free!

Do you live in the EU and want to get a pack of our stickers? You can get them for free by completing these fours steps:

  • Sign up at via this link
  • Follow ‘Gen C’ on Instagram or TikTok
  • Repost one of our Instagram posts/reels on your story and tag us
  • Send us a DM to tell us you have completed these steps!
Collaborate with us

Do you also work on the EU elections and do you see an opportunity to collaborate with us? Send an email to!

Our team

Milan Calloens (he/him)

European Parliament Elections Coordinator

Julian Gassner (he/him)

European Parliament Elections Coordinator

Juliette Pagnon (she/her)

Project Lead on Advocacy

Marco de Benedictis (he/him)

Project Lead on Advocacy

Hadrien Therond (he/him)

Project Lead on Campaigning

Chloé Salmon (she/her)

Project Lead on Capacity-Building

Dominik Bochenek (he/him)

Project Lead on Capacity-Building

Amy Britten (she/her)

Communications Officer for the European Parliament Elections

Nunzia Acanfora (she/her)

Project Officer on Campaigning

Martina Sguazzin (she/her)

Project Officer on Advocacy

Maria Bellou (she/her)

Project Officer on Advocacy

Henrik Arnhold (he/him)

Project Officer on Advocacy

Laurynas P (he/him)

Content Creator for the European Parliament Elections

Gen C is a project on the EU elections by Generation Climate Europe, funded by the European Parliament.

For any questions or requests, you can contact