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Generation Climate Europe has released its Coalition Manifesto for the European Parliament elections. From the 6th until the 9th of June 2024, EU citizens will elect the next European Parliament, whose composition and political position will determine the EU policies of the upcoming five years.

This election is crucial to ensure that the EU adequately tackles the triple planetary crises, addresses social inequalities, improves the state of democracy and makes Europe proof for the future. There is no time to wait or slow down – as our planet is boiling and burning, tackling the climate emergency requires the most ambitious climate policies to achieve the EU’s commitment to limit global warming to 1.5°C according to the Paris Agreement.

We call on the European political parties and candidates to take into account the demands and concerns of young people in their positions on political issues for the upcoming elections, as well as in the negotiations for the next European Commission and in decision-making in the next term of the European Parliament and European Commission.

This Manifesto is a joint effort of GCE and its member organisations. It formulates six overarching priorities and contains 24 concrete proposals to make Europe more planet-friendly, youth-inclusive and future-proof.

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