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Webinar Summary: The Energy Transition in Europe

By January 31, 2022February 6th, 2022Circular Economy, Articles, Reports

On 12 January 2022, Generation Climate Europe (GCE) held the webinar The Energy Transition in Europe: Understanding the Implications of the ECT. With two legal specialists, we addressed the challenges posed by the Energy Charter Treaty (ECT) to the energy transition and possibilities for the future within the framework of limited modernisation. This webinar prompted a dialogue about climate advocacy and engagement, as well as the way towards an efficient and just energy transition.

Two legal specialists led our webinar. Ms. Hélionor De Anzizu is an attorney specialising in International Trade and Investor-State Dispute Settlements (ISDS) who works for the Center for International Environmental Law. Ms. Annette Magnusson is the co-founder of Climate Change Counsel.

Read our summary report to find out what was discussed!

Interested to find out more about our position on the ECT? Read one of our previous articles.

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