Our Working Groups
Our working groups engage young people in the work of GCE, providing the opportunity to have an active role in EU decision making and be heard on climate and environmental issues. Each working group is managed by two coordinators. We currently have working groups on:
- Biodiversity
- Circular Economy
- Climate Justice
- Clean Mobility
- Sustainable Development Goals
Meet The coordinators
The Biodiversity Working Group aims to reaffirm the right of youth to participate in the biodiversity debate by informing, empowering and representing youth on this existential issue at the EU level. It is formed of 4 thematic poles that explore main contemporary environmental issues: Wildlife & Protected Areas ; Urbanisation & Nature, Land & Sea-Use and Nature in the Anthropocene. Tackling subjects with a challenging, off-the-beaten path approach, they are supported by an Action and an Empowerment Pole.
Circular economy
The Circular Economy Working Group is dedicated to advocating and raising awareness about a crucial issue: the need to reshape our predominantly linear economy into a sustainable circular economy. To contribute to this ambitious objective, The Circular Economy Working Group aims to take action to represent youth on the topic of circular economy at the European level, while also informing young people and empowering them to meaningfully engage in policy making around this essential topic. The volunteers active in the Circular Economy Working Group focus specifically on 4 sub-themes: Industries (including plastics, textile, manufacturing, and construction); Food, Chemicals & Water; Energy & Digitalisation; and Alternative Economic Indicators.
Clean mobility
Reducing the negative externalities and decarbonising the transport sector is and will be one of the EU’s most urgent and difficult challenges, as it is the only one whose emissions have been increasing since the 1990s (28%). For that reason, the Clean Mobility WG aims at influencing EU transport and environmental policies to ensure the transition to carbon-free, affordable and accessible mobility. While air pollution and the climate impact of all modes of transport are an integral part of our work, we also focus on rethinking the way people and goods move; an important step towards finally making mobility compatible with EU’s climate objectives.
sustainable development goals
The SDGs Working Group aims at raising awareness on the interlinkages existing between environmental, economic and social issues and the EU’s responsibility in implementing the SDGs at the European level. Although European countries are leading globally, none are on track to achieve the goals by 2030, which will have severe impacts on future generations. It is, therefore, crucial to involve young people in the decision-making process of the EU to contribute to the efforts to meet the Global Goals.
Climate Justice
The already present and the expectable consequences of the climate crisis as well as the comprehensive and urgent measures that are required to fight this crisis have far-reaching socioeconomic implications, both within Europe as well as on a global scale, especially for young people. In the Climate Justice working group, therefore, we aim to explore both, the domestic and the global dimension of climate justice, from a youth perspective and this way provide ideas of how the European Union and its member states can make possible a just transition.